My research can be subdivided into three main streams which all combine to inform the conservation management of species.
1. Conservation of migratory species
I use a combination of genomic tools, environmental DNA detection and telemetry to inform the conservation management of migratory species such as the sea lamprey and allis and twaite shad. The work is funded by the European Commission (Marie Curie fellowship to Dr Miguel Soares) and the Severn Rivers Trust (through two PhD studentships - Caterina Antognazza and Peter Davies).
Collaborators: Prof. Robert Britton, Dr Pippa Gillingham
2. Emerging disease and host-parasite co-evolution
I am researching the factors that can lead to disease emergence using the parasite Sphaerothecum destruens as a model species. My work has demonstrated how this generalist parasite can establish and spread to new hosts within a year of its introduction.
Lab alumni that have worked on this topic: Dr Salma Sana;Dr Farah Al-Shorbaji
Collaborators: Dr Chris Williams (Environment Agency); Dr Richard Paley (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science); Dr Rodolphe E. Gozlan (INRA, France)
I investigate the dynamics of host-parasite co-evolution and the impact of parasites in trophic webs using a number of parasites as model species (most notably Pomphorhynchus tereticollis).
Lab alumni that have worked on this topic: Dr Josie Pegg; Dr Danny Sheath
Collaborators: Prof Robert Britton, Dr Chris Williams (Environment Agency)

3. Microplastics in freshwaters
I am investigating microplastic levels in freshwaters in abiotic samples (water and sediment) and in biotic samples (invertebrates and fish) - with a special interest on how they cycle through the food web (in the presence/absence of trophically transmitted parasites).
The work is funded by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles through a PhD studentship to Ben Parker.



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