I am a Lecturer in Business and Management at the Business School, Bournemouth University. I hold a BA in philosophy (University of Naples), a MA in philosophy (University of Siena) and an MSc in environmental communication (University of Bologna). I have recently completed a PhD in organisation studies at the University of Portsmouth, with a thesis on Fairtrade certification and consumer activism in Fairtrade Towns. Prior to joining Bournemouth University, I was working at Newcastle University Business School, on the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘Strength2Food’, which looked at the sustainability of EU food systems.

My research interests include sustainability and CSR, ethical consumption, and market-based activism. Being very keen on academia-practice synergies, I have collaborated with several NGOs in the UK and abroad, including the Fairtrade Foundation in London and the Fair Trade Advocacy Office in Brussels. Since 2017, I am an active member of the International Fair Trade Symposium Steering Committee. I am passionate about experiential and dialogic teaching and strive to create a learning environment that is both practice-oriented and research-informed.


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