A group of second-year students currently enrolled in the Brands & Branding unit were invited to reflect on the role and impact of brands in contemporary society through examining branded litter.

The winner was BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations student Lucy King, who submitted an entry relating to the brand of the British monarchy.
She said: "The last thing you would find littered would be was a £10 note… It was not claimed due to the fact that it was impossible to reach, it had fallen behind a fence out of arm’s length...I managed to poke my phone through to snap a photo.
"It then had me thinking about royalty and the Monarchy as a brand, out of pure curiosity I proceeded to research… and down a monarchy brand image rabbit hole I fell. One I believe many should fall into, as this has led me to feel the monarchy just might have one of the strongest brand images and marketing strategies in the country."
Unit leader Dr Tauheed Ramjaun added: “This is a great example of how, through an unconventional outdoor activity, a student gets to reflect and research independently about a topic introduced in lecture theatres.”
Lucy was offered an illustrated book entitled Packaging the Brand to further her critical reflections around the role and impact of branded packaging in our environment.