Now that you have had your chance to meet your candidates for the four lead roles of the Student Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU), it is time to cast your vote.
The four roles up for grabs are:
- President
- Vice-President Education
- Vice-President Student Opportunities
- Vice-President Welfare & Community
Voting opens at BU on Friday 6 March and closes Thursday 12 March. Each candidate will be campaigning over the next week and speaking to students about why they should get your vote. Look out for the candidates and their supporters, and make sure you use your voice to decide who you want to represent you as a Full-Time Student Union Officer.
If you have not yet had the chance to meet the candidates - manifestos and introductory videos are available to view on the SUBU election page to help you make your decision.
You can find designated voting areas across Talbot and Lansdowne Campus or you can vote online on the SUBU website.
If you want to find out who your Full-Time Student Union Officers will be, you can attend the SUBU Election Results Night in The Student Centre at 6pm, 13 March 2020.