With assessments and exams starting today, we wanted to remind you of a few key things to help you.
Exams are taking place as scheduled, including in-person exams. If you have in-person exams, it is important that you are available to sit them according to your timetable. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the published start time. You will need to wear a face covering for the duration of your exam, unless you are exempt. In order to protect fellow students and staff, please also take a lateral flow device (LFD) test in the morning before your exam. Please endeavour to make sure you have test kits at home before the day of your exam, so that you are prepared in case these are not available on campus to collect on the day. Don’t forget that you can pick these up from local pharmacies, as well as from various places on campus, including the halls of residences. Alternatively you can order them online. If you have symptoms of Covid-19 on the day, please do not come to your exam. You should self-isolate immediately and arrange for a PCR test. The main symptoms are a new continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell. You can find out how to order a PCR test and what you need to do on the gov.uk website. Please get in touch with your programme team as soon as possible, who will be able to advise what you need to do.
We have reviewed the ventilation in all the exam venues, and windows and external doors will be open during exams where feasible and between exam sessions. Desks will be a minimum of one metre apart. Our enhanced cleaning regime remains in place and, in addition, desks will be cleaned after each exam to help keep you safe.
If there are any personal circumstances which you feel are affecting you and your assessments, please don’t worry, but do get in touch with your Academic Advisor, Programme Leader (PL) or Programme Support Officer (PSO) as soon as possible. You can also take a look at our exceptional circumstances policy for more information. There are a range of services at BU available to help you, such as your Academic Advisor and the Student Wellbeing team. The Students’ Union Advice Centre can also provide independent support and advice. You can contact AskBU for further information.
Lastly, don’t forget that you will need your ID card at each exam, so check you have it with you before heading off to the exam venue.