The war in Ukraine is worrying for us all. You may find that you are worried by the ongoing media coverage of war, or you may be more directly affected with a friend, colleague or family member in the region. We are committed to supporting all members of the BU community.
BU’s support services are available for all students who are in any way affected by the war in Ukraine. A range of health and wellbeing resources are available for students on the BU website, including a comprehensive list of resources and guidance.
The Faith & Reflection service at BU provides a quiet space for those of all faiths and none, including the Global Café, which takes place each Wednesday evening between 5pm-6.30pm.
If there is further help you need, please speak with AskBU or your programme leader. If you are in need of financial support, please check our financial support and hardship pages. You may also wish to look at our exceptional circumstances policy.
For more information about support available for the BU community, visit the Eastern Europe Support page of the BU website.