As we near the summer break, many of you may find yourself seeking graduate positions, searching for part-time employment or are looking for opportunities for a placement year. BU students have access to a host of useful resources and support to help you find suitable roles for you.
Reach out to your faculty placement team for placement advice
While it is your responsibility to find a placement position, your Faculty Placement Coordinator is here to help and support you during the process and there is still time to secure one. You can book a virtual or face to face appointment with your Faculty Placement Coordinator via MyCareerHub. You can use these sessions to explore that areas you would like to work in during your placement or seek support and guidance on how to reach out to organisations and apply for positions.
Finding visa-sponsored positions
Student Circus, our dedicated careers platform for international students, helps you to find global visa-sponsored graduate jobs, internships, and placement opportunities that fit your career aspirations. Find out more about Student Circus on our website, or register with your BU email address now to start using the platform.
Online jobs board
Search full-time and part-time jobs as well as placement and graduate roles in our MyCareerHub online jobs board which is always updated with new jobs and activities to explore.
Free career coaching
Face to face and virtual appointments can be booked with a Careers Consultant on MyCareerHub. These meetings can be used to help you to prepare for interviews, consider your career options, offer advice on job hunting and more.
Drop-in careers support
Our Careers Zones at Poole House remains open during the summer months. Drop-in during our opening hours to talk about anything related to your employability and skills. Find out more about the Careers Zones and when each team will be available throughout the week on MyCareerHub.
CareersBU digital resources
On MyCareerHub you can access a variety of useful guides and resources to help you advance in your career or navigate your next steps. Whether you are looking for placement support, advice on writing a successful CV or cover letter, are interested in learning more about networking or want advice related to your specific degree – there will be something available to point you in the right direction.
You can also benefit from:
- Our weekly newsletter giving you insight on the latest resources, events and opportunities
- A regular podcast series where experts discuss disability, networking and more
- 13000+ free LinkedIn Learning resources
- Recordings of in person events so you could catch up on anything you missed out on
- Career assessments to help you understand your motivations, values and preferences.