Many of you will soon be heading home for the winter break, so make sure you talk to the people you live with to make sure your home is safe and secure.
If you know anyone who is staying in the area for the holidays, let them know there are lots of ways to meet other students who are also staying local and activities to get involved in.
Keep your home safe
Bournemouth Police have shared their advice to keep your home and valuables safe whilst you are away:
- Make sure the last person to leave home locks the door and checks all the windows are closed and locked
- Set an alarm if one is installed
- If you have a shed, secure it - don't leave easy access to things like ladders or tools
- Lock up your bike, even if it's in a shed or the house
- Ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property - if possible ask them to use your drive way to park their car to make it appear as if someone is home
- Use timer switches on indoor and outdoor lights
- Take valuables with you - or keep them out of sight.
What's open at BU
Many of our services are closed during the holidays, read more about what's open and when, who to contact in an emergency and what support services are available if you need someone to talk to or you feel unwell.
Be weather ready
During December and January temperatures are typically low and there's usually some rain and occasionally some snow! Wearing layers is a good way to manage temperature changes, and getting some practical boots or wellies will keep you dry.
Make sure you know who to contact if you have any issues with your boiler, heating or plumbing. If it snows ahead of the start of term check @bournemouthuni on Twitter or call the BU Information Line on +44 (0) 1202 968999 for updates, but the campus will remain open unless you're advised otherwise.
Library and academic skills resources
The winter break is a great time to brush up on your reading and academic skills in time for the new year and January exams. You can access online books, journals and study skills resources from the comfort of your home, as well as borrow books and DVDs.
Both libraries will be open 24/7 throughout the vacation period. You can find out more about contacting Library staff during winter break on our what's open during winter break page.
Student Wellbeing
If you are worried and/or need advice or support during this time, there are resources to help.