AATA Online
- Subject coverage: art and archaeology; literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage
- Size/ scope: over 100,000
- Type of content: abstracts
- Level of access: abstracts only, no full text, register for separate login.
You need to register separately with this database to gain access to content.
Academic Search Ultimate
>> Go to Academic Search Ultimate
- Subject coverage: Science; social science; education; psychology; language and linguistics; arts and literature
- Size/scope: over 17,000 titles
- Type of content: journal articles, book reviews, conference proceedings
- Level of access: Full text of over 10,000 titles.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
Access Engineering
- Subject coverage: engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, electronics, sustainability, energy, business
- Size/scope: over 690 sources
- Type of content: eBooks, instructional videos, calculators, interactive tables and data
- Level of access: full text.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
ACM Digital Library
- Subject coverage: articles and conference proceedings published by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and citations of major computing publishers
- Type of content: journal articles, conference proceedings
- Date range: 1985 to present
- Level of access: full text articles; full text of conference proceedings from 1991 only.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch
- Subject coverage: a library of advertising campaigns and case studies from around the world
- Type of content: case studies, images and audio visual content from advertising campaigns across a range of media
- Level of access: full access to the Creative Library.
Create an account on-campus to enable login off-campus
Adwanted Connected
Adwanted Connected is a media research, analysis and planning tool. It provides a powerful set of reports that can run trends, dig deeper into the data, run geo targeted media maps and more.
Username and password required. Details are available from the library area in Brightspace
AES E-Library
- Subject coverage: audio engineering
- Size/scope: publications of the Audio Engineering Society. Over 13,000 documents with abstracts
- Type of content: papers, conferences and journal articles
- Data range: 1953 -
- Level of access: full text.
Username and password required. Details are available from the library area in Brightspace
AM Research Methods
- Subject coverage: humanities and social sciences
- Type of content: “How to” guides, case studies, videos, and essays that provide guidance about working with primary sources. From help with where to find historical documents to best analytical approaches, this platform gathers instruction and practical advice from experts around the globe. For practice applying the lessons, there are numerous high-quality images of historical items from archives worldwide to explore
- Level of access: full access.
Archaeology Data Service (ADS)
- Subject coverage: archaeological data including ArchWay, ArchSearch, CBA publications online, Society of Antiquaries Library, the digital archives of many archaeological projects and links to unpublished PhD theses
- Type of content: CBA publications, digital archives, PhD thesis
- Level of access: some full text available.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Archives Hub
- Subject coverage: a unique and reliable source of information about archival collections in higher education institutions in the UK
- Size/scope: archival collections held by over 140 UK universities and colleges
- Type of content: catalogue of archival collections.
Art & Architecture Complete
>> Go to Art & Architecture Complete
- Subject coverage: art, architecture, design
- Size/scope: over 1,000 titles
- Type of content: journal articles, books, images
- Level of access: full text of over 600 titles.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
- Subject coverage: computing sciences, mathematics, physics and quantitative biology and statistics
- Size/scope: over 1 million
- Type of content: moderated repository of eprints in mathematics and physics almost all papers are archived here
- Date range: 1991 to present
- Level of access: full text.
Association of Commonwealth Universities
>> Go to Association of Commonwealth Universities
- Subject coverage: database of key contact information for over 500 commonwealth universities
- Size/scope: over 500 commonwealth universities
- Type of content: key contact information
- Level of access: register using your BU email address to gain full access to this service.