Bournemouth University is a successful, modern institution with around 19,000 students and 1,500 staff. We are delivering our vision and strategic plan for 2025 which has at its heart the bringing together of research, education and practice to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Each element informs and improves the others. We call this Fusion and further information about our strategic plan is available here.

To help us build upon our success and deliver our strategy we are seeking to appoint an exceptional individual to join our Board who is a qualified accountant. We are particularly keen to hear from people who hold prominent financial positions within their workplace who possess the ability to understand and interpret complex financial information with a strategic focus.

By joining our Board, you will be expected to make constructive contributions to debate and to make your knowledge and expertise available to the Board as the opportunity arises. All our Board Members are Charity Trustees of an exempt charity and therefore you will have the responsibilities and potential liabilities that go with Trustee status. All Board Members are also expected to sign a declaration to confirm that they fulfil the requirements of a ‘fit and proper’ person as set by our regulator, the Office for Students.

We are now seeking a highly skilled qualified accountant to join our Board. The approximate overall time commitment is 12 days per annum with meetings typically taking place on a Friday morning on our Talbot campus. This time commitment may increase depending on any subsequent appointment to one or more of the Board’s sub-Committees. Membership of the Board is not remunerated, but reasonable expenses incurred in the course of University business will be reimbursed. The initial term of appointment is 3 years which may be extended upon the recommendation of the Nominations Committee by another 3 years.

We are committed to increasing the diversity of our Board and welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates. Women, BAME, people with disabilities and LGBT+ people are currently under-represented on our Board and applications from these groups are particularly welcome.

More information about the role and access to the Application Form can be found at: Completed Application Forms and CVs should be submitted to [email protected] by the closing date of 30th August 2019.

Shortlisted applicants will be expected to attend a panel interview at the University. The successful applicant will be provided with a thorough induction to the University, their Board Member responsibilities and higher education governance principles.

To enquire informally about the role please contact Deborah Wakely, Clerk to the Board, on 01202 961624 or [email protected].