Bournemouth University and the Board
BU is a successful, modern institution. We continue to progress our BU2025 strategy which has at its heart the bringing together of research, education and professional practice to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Read further information about our strategic plan where you can also find out how we work with our students at the centre of everything we do.
The Board oversees the strategic development of BU and ensures the effective use of resources. The Board is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the Public Interest Governance Principles and comprises external independent members as well as internal members from the University Executive Team and student and staff members.
Who we are looking for
To help us build upon our success and deliver our strategy we are seeking to appoint an exceptional individual to take on the role of Chair of the University Board. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who has outstanding leadership skills with a strong interest in and commitment to higher education and the values, aims and objectives of BU.
We are seeking someone with Board level experience, ideally with Chair or Deputy Chair experience at Board or Committee level. We are also looking to appoint a candidate who can demonstrate a commitment to the very highest standards of governance. The Chair will need to establish a constructive and supportive but challenging working relationship with the Vice Chancellor and other members of the University Executive Team.
The role of Chair of the Board
As Chair of the Board and other Committee meetings, you will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary business of the Board is carried out efficiently, effectively, and in a manner appropriate to the proper conduct of public business. BU is a charity and the Chair is also responsible for ensuring that the Board exercises efficient and effective use of the resources of BU to meet its charitable purposes.
As a Charity Trustee of an exempt charity, the Chair also has the responsibilities and potential liabilities that go with Trustee status. You will be subject to the Guidance issued by the Charity Commission and further requirements as set out in the Office for Students Regulatory Framework for Higher Education in England and the Terms and Conditions of Funding for Higher Education Institutions, such as the ‘fit and proper person’ requirements.
The likely overall time commitment for the role is 50 days per year, with the majority of the workload taking place during University term-time. Board meetings are planned to take place on campus with some smaller Committee meetings being held online.
The role of Chair is not remunerated but the Chair is encouraged to reclaim all reasonable travelling and similar expenses incurred in the course of BU business via the Clerk. The initial term of appointment is 3 years which may be extended by the Board upon the recommendation of the Nominations Committee by another 3 years.
How to apply
For informal enquiries please contact Deborah Wakely, Clerk to the Board, on [email protected].
If you have the required skills and knowledge for the role you are invited to complete an Application Form (docx 77kb) and submit it with your CV to [email protected] by the closing date of 30th September 2021.
All applications received by the closing date will be considered by the selection panel led by the Deputy Chair of the Board.
We expect shortlisted candidates to be invited to participate in the selection process (including testing, informal discussions with two student panels and a short presentation and panel interview) during November and December 2021 with the selection process and referencing and other due diligence concluding in January 2022.
We are also planning a three-month handover period between the outgoing and incoming Chair, with the new Chair having the opportunity to attend some Board meetings before formally taking up their appointment from 11 July 2022.
We are committed to increasing the diversity of our Board and welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates. BU has inclusivity as one of its core values and is committed to an inclusive working environment. We seek a diverse community through attracting, developing and retaining individuals from different backgrounds to contribute to inspirational learning, advancing knowledge and enriching society.