The Mental Capacity Act 2005 introduced a statutory framework for decision making processes for persons over the age of 16 who are incapable of making decisions for themselves. Knowledge of the Act is a fundamental aspect of safe professional practice.
Bournemouth University has been approved by the Department of Health to provide this programme. The programme will be delivered as a series of workshops. In addition, you will be required to undertake self-managed learning, based on support materials provided by Bournemouth University.
This course requires 100% attendance. Successful completion of the course enttitles students to be appointed as Best Interest Assessor (BIA) under the MCA 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
This course has multiple levels. To find out more and apply, click on the green ‘Apply Now’ button to go our CPD application portal, and search for this course.