Services on campus Check what's on campus, including buses, cycling facilities and Wi-Fi and how to get between Lansdowne and Talbot.
Contact AskBU for help, advice & information Our friendly advisers can provide guidance about anything BU-related.
Disability & Additional Learning Support The ALS team are here to support you with any specific learning differences, medical conditions or disabilities.
CareersBU Helping you get ahead in the world of work. Check out the resources available to you and chat to our Careers Consultants.
Things to do Find out about opportunities on and off campus including art, music, sport and volunteering.
Students' Union The official Students' Union for all BU students offering a range of services including; support, entertainment and activities.
Residential Services Accommodation information for new and current students, including what to do if you have any maintenance issues.
Important documents to read Here’s where you’ll find all the BU policies and procedures that you need to be aware of, including the Student Agreement.
13/01/2025 We Care at Christmas campaign – we did it! A huge thank you to everyone who donated towards BU’s We Care at Christmas campaign, to provide every estranged student.
13/01/2025 Submit your abstract for the British Conference for Undergraduate Research (BCUR) Submit your undergraduate research abstract by 2 February to showcase your research at the British Conference for Undergraduate Research (BCUR) in April 2025.
10/01/2025 Your invitation to the Race Equality Conference 2025 You are invited to the Race Equality Conference at BU on 5 February 2025 on the ground floor of Fusion Building. Your free tickets are available now on Eventbrite.
10/01/2025 Academic integrity and artificial intelligence (AI) There are many ways you can commit an academic offence, today we will be looking at Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI).
Mar19 Open Day Postgraduate Open Day Join us between 17:00 and 19:30 to find out more about postgraduate study, talk to academic staff about your subject of interest and hear about the student finance options.