Our AskBU Team is available Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm, Fridays 9am - 4.30pm.

You can visit us on campus at:

  • The Hub in Poole House on Talbot Campus
  • Helpzone in Bournemouth Gateway Building on Lansdowne Campus (closes 1pm - 2pm daily). 

Please note: AskBU will be closed for staff training from 1pm - 5pm on the last Wednesday of each month: 26 February, 26 March, 30 April, 28 May, 25 June, 30 July.

About our team

Our friendly, professional and helpful advisers are available to help you with information, advice and guidance throughout your studies at BU. You can contact us by email and phone or drop in to see us at Talbot or Lansdowne Campus. There are also confidential interview rooms available if you'd like to discuss your query in private. 

We personally reply to every email enquiry and aim to do so within 2-3 working days. During very busy periods this may increase to around 7 working days. If your enquiry is urgent, please call us or pop in to see us on campus. 

You can also view our online FAQs which may help to answer your query.