Dr. Tuan Vu has joined Bournemouth University as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance. Prior that he had worked at the University of Exeter on various Accounting and Finance modules.
Dr. Tuan is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Chartered Holder. CFA charterholders apply their knowledge and skills in a wide range of positions throughout the global finance industry. Distinguished by their commitment to set a higher standard of excellence, they are sought after as investment management professionals.
His current research interests include (1) Accounting information and stock markets (including value relevance and decision usefulness); (2) Financial reporting of corporate pension schemes and (3) Pension Scheme and Corporate Governance.
Designing Innovative Pedagogy for Complex Accountancy Topics (DIPCAT), funded by ERASMUS+, has recently come to a successful completion. Four distinct but integrated sets of case studies have been developed comprising original content, learning materials, activities and two databases. The topics of the cases address areas of global and immediate concerns in international taxation, corporate governance and tax avoidance, financial reporting for financial instruments (IFRS 9) and auditing in the digital era.Thirty-nine academics from twelve European HE Institutions collaborated on this project. The project-partners have a long history of working together and with other professionals in the development of teaching materials, intensive study programmes, student and staff exchanges, research and other knowledge exchanges. The combined subject expertise, professional experiences, global networks and academic resources of the partnership far exceeds the sum of individual contributions. The partners consulted with accounting and tax experts during the design and development phases of the case studies. The experts were from the Big Four, MNEs and the Professional and Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (e.g. ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA and CIOT) in the respective countries. Such consultation has ensured the professional relevance and practical application of the learning materials. More about the project may be found at: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/dipcat
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