The global talent of BU students was celebrated by staff, family and friends and a range of employers at an awards night this week, hosted by the Careers and Employability manager Linda Ladle and the Global Talent Programme (GTP) team. Over 60 students received awards from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), Dr Sonal Minocha to mark their successful completion of the 2017/18 programme.
Dr Sonal Minocha congratulated the students saying: "This is the third year of the Global Talent Programme, a programme that is exciting and compelling and running parallel to your degree - a degree plus if you will! With over 100 activities to get involved with there's always something of interest and which enables you to demonstrate new skills and experiences to future employers or help you in setting up your own enterprise.”
Dr Minocha continued: "This completion certificate recognises the talent you have now and the experiences that led to it provide you with the persistence and resilience to continue to grow your talent and stick with it!”
Paul Hanrahan, Talent Acquisition Manager at Enterprise Rent-a-Car had some words of wisdom to share, advising: "Well done for being here today. By getting involved in activities and societies you have gained experience and developed skills without even realising it. Take what you've learned on campus and apply it to the working world, demonstrate those skills in interviews by saying 'I am good at this because...'!."
The event was brought to a close with a video address from BU alumni and #BUProud star, Kevin Hough, who congratulated the students on their achievements and spoke about the importance of a global mindset, authenticity and personal branding when pursuing a global career.
For key highlights and messages, check out this Flickr album by BU's Global Talent Programme team.
The Global Talent Programme (GTP) includes employer-led workshops, self-directed e-learning, team assignments and over 100 activities to choose from. It provides BU students with the opportunity to earn badges and complete this extra-curricular award in recognition of the work and life experiences they are undertaking in addition to their degree - find out more on our Global Talent Programme webpages.