A new web portal aimed to support nurses around the factors known to influence nurse retention was launched with Registered Nurses (RN) on Friday 10 August in the Older Person’s Medicine Directorate (OPM) at Royal Bournemouth Hospital. Flyers to promote the resource were distributed to RNs working in the Stroke Unit of the OPM Directorate and will be circulated throughout OPM over the next few weeks.
Devised by the ‘Making TRACS to improve nurse retention’ project team at BU with colleagues at Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital Trust, the portal’s function is to support Registered Nurses by offering personalised guidance using the TRACS model for nurse retention and to enable quick access to key resources both within and external to the Trust. The team have invited feedback from all those who access the site to enable us to refine and improve it. Launched in OPM in the first instance, the portal will be made available to Registered Nurses across the hospital in early 2019.