It's Cyber Security Month at BU and we're sharing our top tips about how you can keep yourself, your personal information and your devices safe and secure.
Last week we focused on passwords and password protection, and this week we’re focusing on staying safe online.
Back up your work
Our first piece of advice for this week is really timely as most of you will have been set (and have started working on…?) your first assignments for this year.
As well as saving your work regularly, we recommend that you back up your work regularly to give you piece of mind – especially if you are going between your personal devices and BU computers. Work can easily be lost, both accidentally (e.g. a sudden loss of power to your device) or maliciously (e.g. a virus).
As we’re pretty sure you’d be a bit sad if your 5,000 word assignment gets corrupted by a virus, ten minutes before the submission deadline, we encourage you to back-up your work to a USB stick, a cloud, or an external hard drive. And please, always add password protection to those devices.
Check this infographic for more information.
Passwords and password protection
If you missed our advice last week, check out our tips on what makes a good password, how best to manage multiple passwords, as well as protecting and resetting and regularly changing your BU password.