To support Eating Disorders Awareness Week (2 - 8 March 2020), BU is hosting a number of events which staff, students and members of the public are invited to.
Living with someone with an eating disorder - Tuesday 3 March
In this talk, Dave Chawner - an author, award-winning comic and mental health campaigner - and Richard will provide an insight into what it’s like living with someone with an eating disorder from the perspective of lived experience and being a housemate.
Richard and Dave lived in the same house at a time when Dave was going through a relapse in his eating disorder. Reflecting on this experience, Dave and Richard talk about the what it’s like to witness the eating disorder behaviours; the late night binges, the laxatives, the weighing, exercising and the unusual eating patterns. They discuss how Richard strove to help on multiple occasions and to support Dave.
In their discussion, Dave and Richard explore how an eating disorder can impact on others and on how that in turn can have an impact on the person with the eating disorder. The talk is delivered with humour and compassion.
The event takes place at both Talbot and Lansdowne Campus on Tuesday 3 March. Click the links below to find out more and book your place:
Talbot Campus | FG06, Fusion Building | 12:00 - 13:00 |
Lansdowne Campus | BG14, Bournemouth House | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What does research on eating disorder recovery tell us about what works in treatment? - Wednesday 4 March
Dr Amy Harrison - Associate Professor in Psychology at University College London and Clinical Psychologist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust - will explore what we can learn from research on recovery from eating disorders.
She will look at how recovery has been investigated using qualitative and quantitative methods and what this important work tells us about the vital active ingredients of treatment. The talk will examine what we can do as people from all backgrounds with an interest in eating disorders to support and enhance these active ingredients. Finally, she will explore new ways in which recovery experiences can be harnessed to help us understand more about eating disorder prevention.
To find out more and book your place, please head to Eventbrite.
Myths and Misunderstandings in Eating Disorders - Wednesday 4 March
Dr Ciarán Newell will host this talk at Lansdowne Campus. Everyone thinks they know about eating disorders, but do you know the real truth? There are so many misconceptions and myths about eating disorders that it’s easy to believe the fiction over fact.
Unfortunately, this can cause you to overlook dangerous behaviours or prolong treatment. This talk will address the most common misconceptions about eating disorders and what their implications are for everyone affected by an eating disorder.
Find out more and book your place on Eventbrite.