Liam Toms, BA (Hons) Advertising and Marketing Communications, Marketing Manager at Grapevine: My top 3 podcasts
The Adam Buxton Podcast
Known to many as one half of comedy duo 'Adam and Joe', Adam Buxton's podcast features informal, but often very personal interviews with a variety of recognisable names from comedy, as well music and film. The 'ramble chat' is interspersed with Adam's hilarious musical jingles. Perfect listening for a walk outdoors.
Fake Doctors, Real Friends
When I was a student at BU one of my favourite TV shows was US hospital-based comedy Scrubs. Stars of the show Zach Braff (J.D) and Donald Faison (Turk) have recently started this 're-watch' podcast in which they discuss their memories from filming the show, with guest appearances from other cast and crew members.
While the rest of the interest continues to debate the merits of the latest Star Wars films, ForceCentre takes a weekly dive into the deeper themes that underpin the galaxy far, far away. With a range of shows on their podcast feed there's something for anyone interested in the "why?" rather than the "how?"

Trisha Lewis, BA (Hons) Communications, Trisha Lewis Consulting: My top 3 podcasts
I love this! It is storytelling and exploration and human behaviour all wrapped up and delivered by two thoughtful women with a wonderful vibe. It surprises at every twist and turn – and you learn lots of stuff you might never have come across otherwise. Long episodes – great for a long walk. Produced by NPR. Presented by Alix Spiegel, Hanna Rosin and Lulu Miller.
Unsee The Future – Timo Peach
I know Timo! He has a voice that is very easy on the ear – and his creativity knows no bounds. This is another 'take your time and get immersed podcast'. Timo is a writer, director and music maker who thinks a lot! This podcast explores his interest in encouraging a more sustainable human-planet future, often through the lens of science fiction. Some subtle soundscapes too.
Full Disclosure with James O'Brien
If you like longer conversations that allow you to immerse yourself in insights, perspectives and story – you will like this. James allows his guests to talk, and they are people you might not have heard telling the stories they tell. Despite them being pretty big names in politics, entertainment, sport and popular culture, they rarely give in-depth interviews. Episodes include interviews with Tony Blair and Ken Clarke to Ricky Gervais and Steve Coogan.
Trisha also has her own podcast – Make It Real – available via her website.