A free online public lecture hosted by Bournemouth University will explore how humans have adapted to crisis and disaster through the ages.

From climate change to flooding and extinction events, humans have been facing threats to their survival for thousands of years. The event will explore the lessons we can learn from our ancient ancestors in responding to crisis in the 21st century.
Learning from the past: how humans have adapted to crisis will take place on Thursday 12 May and will run from 7pm to 8.30pm.
Dr Sally Reynolds will talk about her work exploring fossil footprints in White Sands National Park and what they can tell us about human migration and the hunting of megafauna, such as giant sloth.
Dr Philip Riris will discuss how ancient humans adapted to changes in their climate and environment.
There will also be the opportunity for discussion and questions.
The event is the fourth in BU’s public lecture series, showcasing the university’s research and expertise through free online events. Future events will explore topics including listening to seldom heard voices and Dorset’s economy.