Thank you for your feedback about the smoke-free campus pilot which we have been running at Talbot Campus. The Joint University Health & Safety Committee is reviewing all the responses received to the survey, as well as the emails and other comments which we have received. While this is taking place, the committee has decided to extend the smoking ban on Talbot Campus until Easter.
As a result of this decision and based on comments that the message about no smoking needs to be clearer, we intend to:
- Remove the old smoking bins on Talbot Campus
- Replace signs referring to the prohibition of smoking within five metres of buildings with alternative signage
- Increasing the no-smoking on campus signage around the periphery of the campus, as well as on campus
- Engaging Student Ambassadors to help communicate and encourage compliance with the smoking ban.
- These changes will take place as soon as possible in January.
Thank you for your continued support for the smoke-free campus project. If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch by emailing the smoke-free campus pilot team.
Karen Parker, Director of HR Services
Karen Butters, Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Adam Wright, BU Unison
Marian Mayer, BU UCU