Dr Dayle Childs is welcoming prospective PhD applicants interested in conducting research in the areas related to Sales & Marketing.

Dayle is a Senior Lecturer in Sales & Sports Marketing within the Business School. Dayle is a multiple award-winning researcher in the area of Sales and Sales Management, with a growing portfolio of research projects and publications since completing his PhD in 2020 at Loughborough University.

Dayle studies an MSc in International Management from Loughborough University and a BSc in Sport Development from University of Portsmouth. Dayle also has 2 years of professional experience in Sales, and 2 years experience working in marketing with Badminton England (UK) and UK International Soccer (USA), alongside 5 years football coaching experience across the UK and USA.

Dayle is an expert in the fields of sales and sports marketing, and leads the Sports Business Analytics (PG), Sports Marketing (UG), and Conducting Research in Sports and Exercise (UG) modules at Bournemouth University.

Research Awards

1. Best Paper at Global Sales Science institute Conference 2023
2. GSSI conference Scholarship 2023
3. 2020 James M Comer Award for the best contribution to selling and sales management theory - Honourable mention
4. Best Paper in track - Winter AMA Conference 2020
5. Sales SIG Doctoral Dissertation Award 2020 (runner-up)
6. Dean’s award for doctoral researcher of the year Loughborough University 2018.


1. Childs, D., Lee, N., Cadogan, J. W., & Dewsnap, B. (2023). How within-person research can extend marketing knowledge. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-023-00978-8
2. Marcos, J., Hough, A., & Childs, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence in strategic account management: Applications, benefits, & risks. Digital Velocity. DOI: https://issuu.com/samaonline/docs/velfall_2023?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sharpspring&sslid=M7c0NrKwNDewMDUxAwA&sseid=MzK1sDS2sLAwMAIA&jobid=3384becc-e935-4df5-906c-b0ebbc465b90 - pp 47-52
3. Childs, D., Lee, N., Dewsnap, B., & Cadogan, J. W. (2019). A within-person theoretical perspective in sales research: outlining recommendations for adoption and consideration of boundary conditions. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 39(4), 386-399. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08853134.2019.1620612


Within-person research; Longitudinal research; Sales; Marketing; Burnout; Self-efficacy; Resilience

Marcos, J., Hough, A., & Childs, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence in strategic account management: Applications, benefits, & risks. Digital Velocity. DOI: https://issuu.com/samaonline/docs/velfall_2023?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sharpspring&sslid=M7c0NrKwNDewMDUxAwA&sseid=MzK1sDS2sLAwMAIA&jobid=3384becc-e935-4df5-906c-b0ebbc465b90 - pp 47-52

Childs, D., Lee, N., Cadogan, J. W., & Dewsnap, B. (2023). How within-person research can extend marketing knowledge. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-023-00978-8

Childs, D. R., Lee, N., Dewsnap, B., & Cadogan, J. W. (2019). A within-person theoretical perspective in sales research: outlining recommendations for adoption and consideration of boundary conditions. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 39(4), 386-399. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08853134.2019.1620612

