Dr Lai Xu is a  Associate Professor in the faculty of science and technology at Bournemouth University. She is the coordinator of EU H2020 FIRST project. Previously she was a senior researcher at SAP research, Switzerland, a research leader of data management group and a senior research scientist at CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia, a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Information and computing sciences of the Utrecht University, the Netherlands and the department of computer science of the Free University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She received her Ph.D. in Computerized Information Systems from Tilburg University, The Netherlands in 2004. Dr. Xu has published over 100 papers in the international journals and conferences such as European Journal of Information Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, CAiSE, CoopIS, PRO-VE, etc. She is the member of editorial board of International Journal of Simulation and Modelling and the member of steering committee of the IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise (PRO-VE). She has been general chair and program committee chair of several international conferences. She is a guest editor of service oriented computing and applications (Springer). She is also a regular reviewer for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, etc.

Dr. Xu is the coordinator of the EU H2020 FIRST (virtual Factories: Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion) project, a 1.2 mln Euros project with 7 international partners. She is also an assessor for Australia Research Council (ARC).

Her main research interests include smart technologies, factories of the future, service-oriented computing, big data and cloud computing, enterprise systems, business process management, business process collaboration and virtual enterprises.


My research focuses on interoperability of business collaborations, especially rapidly setting up collaborative business processes among multiple business partners. I am working on lightweight business process modelling techniques, namely context-aware process modelling for supporting end-users, lightweight business process execution engine, and Internet resources support process management. I am interested in discovery supporting SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) business process management using existing enterprise services, third party services, and services existing on Internet.



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