Nicholas is Lecturer (academic) in computer science - Business IT in the Faculty of Science & Technology, Bournemouth University. He completed his PhD in Information and Systems at Tampere University in Finland in 2013. His PhD received best PhD research award at a European conference and a university award. Before joining BU, Nicholas was a Post-doctoral researcher at Tampere University. Nicholas has organised several academic workshops and co-chaired conference. He has edited conference publications and reviewed in conferences, such as, ECIS, ICIS and AMCIS. He has published papers in fully refereed international conferences, journals and edited two books. In 2020, he received a Post-Graduate Certification in HE Teaching and Learning from Bournemouth University. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK.


Nicholas main research interests business and IT alignment, digitalization of public services, strategic agilty, e-learning and etc. Below is a list of research projects Nicholas has been involved in;

1. World IT project, - Examine important issues for IT employees in many countries

2. OnCreate Strategic Partnership Project (European Union Project), - Strategic Alliance in Creative Processes in Online Collaboration

3. Concepts of Operations Programme (StrAgile-project) - Strategic agility in machine construction industry’s production network.

4. NetPLM (product lifecycle management) Project - Design and develop product lifecycle management and open innovation
