Full Professor of Regional Economic Development and Coordinator of the PhD in 'Econs & Mgmt' . His areas of research specialization are:

• SME Clusters and industrial districts • Regional innovation systems and business innovation modes • Global value chains and global innovation networks • Social capital and diasporas

He has published in hig-ranked journals such as Research Policy, Technovation, Regional Studies, European Planning Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Small Business Economics, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Journal of Technology Transfer, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Review of International Political Economy, among others. D has also published a number of volumes for Elgar, Routledge and Palgrave-Macmillan.

MDP has supervised various PhD theses: • The role of intermediaries in regional innovation systems: Spain (Alberdi) • Business innovation modes in transition economies: Belarus (Apanasovich) • Social capital and innovation in Spain and Italy ( D’Ambrosio) • Openness and innovation across regional innovation systems in Spain (Unzalu) • Cluster evolution and social capital (Sisti) • Business innovation modes in Colombia (Malaver) * SME finance and innovation in Ghana (Hansen). * Universities and DUI innovation in China (Lu). * GSP Preferences efficiency, poverty reduction and value chains (Akinmade)

In the past D worked in Spain (Deusto University), the University of Birmingham, UK, the University of Ferrara, Italy, and the Central American University in Nicaragua. He has been External Examiner for the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Adviser for international organisations (e.g. EU, IADB), and Invited Expert in universities in Mexico, Italy, the UK, Finland, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile, Hungary, Belarus & Russia.

D is Member of the Research Committee of the Regional Studies Association (RSA), the Jorg Meyer-Stamer Foundation (JMSF), Germany, the Doctoral School in Economics of the University of Florence, and Project Evaluator for the ESRC and the EU Commission.

