Make sure you stay in control with an awareness of potential food safety issues by considering problems now and in the future.
- Review the Food Standards Agency’s approach to reducing food safety problems
- Focus on problems now and some solutions
- Food safety for the future.
This course recognises that food safety is an ongoing issue for all food businesses and offers an insight into current issues. The session will be interactive and will provide ample opportunity to discuss your concerns about food safety and food hygiene.
Delivered by
Philippa Hudson has been delivering food safety and food microbiology courses at BU for more than twenty years. She has extensive consultancy experience particularly in supporting the implementation of HACCP systems in businesses from RTE food factories, restaurants, bakeries and one margarine tub manufacturer.
Half-day course fees: £70
Discounts apply for multiple course bookings:
- Two half-day courses on the same day: £130
- One week of half-day courses: £595
- All half-day courses: £995
- All masterclasses & half-day courses: £1295