A BU Advertising with Marketing and Communications graduate has picked up a prestigious British Design & Art Direction (D&AD) New Blood wooden pencil award for coming up with a winning campaign idea.

Sam Guinivan picked up the prize after coming up with a winning campaign idea for AirBnB as part of the D&AD Awards, which are recognised globally as the ultimate creative accolade, entered and attended by the best from around the world.
New Blood works with the next generation of creative talent, and Sam's winning entry - AirBnB now - was a community-led campaign that celebrates the stories of family and friends and helps turn their travel plans into reality.
Sam, 23, said his BU degree had taught him the skills to help him win one of just six D&AD New Blood pencils.
“My degree taught me the integral nature of research in developing ideas that aren't just creative, but are effective too," he said.
"Researching a brand, looking at its competitors and truly understanding the consumer's mind set to uncover simple, human insights that can solve business problems has helped. Other advertising courses do not offer that.”
He also says he was extremely surprised to find out he’d won the award: “I couldn't believe it. As I scrolled through the results and couldn't see my name I grew increasingly disheartened - turns out I was right at the bottom. It was the perfect culmination of a hugely enjoyable and challenging four years.”
For winning the pencil, Sam has the chance to attend the New Blood academy - a two-week creative bootcamp that helps catapult young creatives into industry.