Bournemouth University students worked through the night to provide live coverage of the US Presidential Election across TV, radio and online platforms.

Students from courses across the Faculty of Media & Communication worked together to produce analysis, interviews and results from the Presidential Election, which took place on Tuesday 8 November.
The USA Votes 2016 project was shared across a range of platforms, including a dedicated website and livestreams of broadcast coverage.
Speaking after the event, Karen Fowler-Watt, Head of the School of Journalism, English and Communication, said, "Once again students from across the faculty came together to produce stunning all night coverage of this momentous event. The website captures the energy and multimedia approach of this project, with social media buzzing and TV and radio streamed live throughout the night and the students reporting from the US made an impressive contribution . This was co-creation in action - with student-led teams working side by side with staff -- and everyone learning from each other."
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism student Abi Simpson edited the project’s radio content.
She said: “I think from a listener's perspective we achieved informative, interesting, engaging and a slightly less serious version of the election. We are students and not the BBC after all, and we wanted to put our own stamp on the coverage.”
The USA Votes 2016 project ran in partnership with several US universities and a team of reporters from BU were sent to broadcast live from Washington DC.
It follows successful student-led coverage of both the 2012 US election and the UK General Election in 2015.
“I took part in YourElection15 when I was a fresher, and it was by far the best experience I've had at university,” said Abi.
“I loved every minute of it. I felt like a real professional and it definitely boosted my passion for journalism.”
You can review the content created and the coverage on the USA Votes website and on Twitter @USA_Votes.