The development of Brightspace, BU's new virtual learning environment (VLE), is on schedule and the pilot of the new system will begin in September.
Almost half of BU’s courses will be included in the first phase of the Brightspace implementation this September, with remaining courses moving over in September 2018.
The first phase will include a mix of courses across faculties and levels of study.
As a guide, you'll be using Brightspace this year if you belong to any of the below groups:
- All study levels in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
- Level 4 (first year) courses in the Faculty of Science & Technology
- All study levels on courses shared between the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and Faculty of Science & Technology (e.g. BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation)
- Selected courses from the Faculty of Management and Faculty of Media & Communication are also included in the pilot.
Guidance will be available to help you navigate your way around from the time you first login, and you will find unit, course and faculty information for the year ahead as well as communities like Study Skills and Languages@BU. You’ll also be able to continue to have full access to myBU for past lecture notes, assignments, results etc.
For those of you who are not part of the first phase, you will continue to use myBU from this September. However you will benefit from the lessons learned through the first phase in 2017 and begin using Brightspace from next year.
We will update you again over the summer with more information and so that you can check if your course is included in the first phase. There’s nothing for you to do at the moment, but please look out for email updates in your BU account, as well as your invitation email to re-register for your course from the 24 August.