Almost half of new and returning students will be amongst the first to use Brightspace, BU’s latest virtual learning environment.
A team of 50 staff have been working over an 8 month period to ready BU for the Brightspace launch. Brightspace is now live at BU.
This new platform offers a modern, intuitive interface and ways in which it can be personalised to suit you.
As a guide, you'll be using Brightspace this year if you belong to any of the below groups:
- The Faculty of Health & Social Sciences (all levels)
- Level 4 (first year) courses in the Faculty of Science & Technology
- All study levels on courses shared between the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and Faculty of Science & Technology (e.g. BSc (Hons) Ecology and Wildlife Conservation)
- Selected courses from the Faculty of Management and Faculty of Media & Communication.
For guidance on which VLE you’ll be using and to help you navigate your way around Brightspace go to www.bournemouth.ac.uk/my-vle.
Any students not included in this year’s Brightspace launch will join in September 2018 and will be able to benefit from improvements made this academic year.
Unit, course and faculty information for the year ahead as well as areas like Study Skills and Languages@BU will be available once you login. Returning students will also be able to access myBU for past lecture notes, assignments and results.
Whilst every care has been made to ensure Brightspace’s launch runs smoothly, if you experience a problem please log it with IT Services. That way, any issues can be found and fixed, improving the user experience for both fellow and future students.