A free public lecture at Bournemouth University (BU) will explore the use of technology and innovation in learning.

The inaugural lecture by BU Professor of Learning Innovation Debbie Holley is called #hashtags, handhelds and handbags: Enabling students to blend life and learning and will explore the impact of technology to enable and engage with students.
It takes place in BU’s Fusion Building, on Talbot Campus, on Wednesday 31 January.
The interactive lecture will be preceded by a one hour ‘suite of innovation’ where attendees will be able to try out some of the innovations in learning BU offers its students - including Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, augmented reality, Mentimeter and BU’s new Virtual Learning Environment Brightspace.
Debbie said: “Handheld devices such and mobile phones and tablets have changed how, when and where our students can engage with their studies. The new skills they learn with us are part of the skillset they’ll need in order to succeed in the 21st century workplace.
“Here at Bournemouth University, we encourage and equip our staff to take advantage of a whole host of new technologies – Google cardboard, Oculus Rift and augmented reality to name just a few. I’m looking forward to welcoming visitors to BU and giving them the opportunity to see how they can be used in their own personal and professional lives.”
The event is free and refreshments will be provided. The lecture starts at 7pm, but attendees are asked to arrive from 6pm.
For more information, and to book your free tickets, visit the Public Lecture Series webpages.