The BU Major Incident Group (MIG) is responsible for managing incident planning, response and recovery, including decision-making and communications during any incident. A review follows any incident handled by the group to ensure BU’s response is appropriate and timely. Following the police incident on Talbot Campus on Friday 10 January, we are therefore reviewing our emergency policies and procedures to ensure that these are fit-for-purpose and, crucially, aligned to those of the Emergency Services.
This particular incident was fast-moving and quite dramatic, given the amount of police presence and media attention. Our priority was the safety of our students and staff. The police guidance to the MIG was that the safest thing to do under the circumstances was to remain in situ, and whilst we do not have a formal Lockdown Policy, colleagues in Estates, Chartwells and Interserve were deployed to each building to ask people to remain indoors until the situation had been clarified.
Unfortunately erroneous information was shared on social media, wrongly implying that the situation had deteriorated, and which could have diverted police resources in the wrong direction. I would ask that during any incident colleagues and students follow any instructions they are given, only to share information when specifically asked to do so and to refrain from speculating or sharing inaccurate and unsubstantiated information.
We would like to thank all staff and students for your cooperation during Friday’s incident and in particular our colleagues in Estates, Chartwells, Interserve and Dorset Police for their support.
Jim Andrews
Chief Operating Officer