We hope that you're settling in and have been enjoying your first few weeks at BU.

We'd love to hear about your experiences of arriving here, how prepared we made you feel and how well you're settling in. Our 'arrivals survey' survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and there's a £50 Amazon voucher up for grabs if you choose to enter the prize draw. It's open to all new students who arrived at BU in January 2020.
You’ll be able to tell us how you felt about the information and communications you received before you got here, as well as your experience of your first week at BU. All responses are anonymous and your feedback will be really valuable in helping us know what worked well and what could be improved for the future. Complete the survey before the closing date of Friday 28 February.
Finding your way around
Use our handy room numbers guide to help find your way around Talbot and Lansdowne Campuses. You'll find details of bus stops, routes and times on the UNIBUS website.
Got any questions?
You can talk to our friendly AskBU Advisers at The Base, Poole House on Talbot Campus, or in Bournemouth House Library on Lansdowne Campus. You can also check our online frequently asked questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Logging in
Find all of your most-used systems in one place - Brightspace, email, timetable, myHub and more on our Log-in services page, where you can also update your contact information and reset or change your password.
Things to do
The Students’ Union at BU (SUBU) offers a huge range of opportunities to take part in events and activities, meet people and socialise. Plus, if you’re interested in sporting activities SportBU offer gym memberships, team sports and a wide range of fitness classes.
Get social
Join our Arrivals January 2020 Facebook group to stay up to date with BU news and information.
Grab yourself a free water bottle

Take a copy of this email along to your nearest AskBU and claim your free recycled/recyclable water bottle! First come, first served!
Welcome to BU!