Finding your way around campus can feel daunting at first, but with this handy guide to room numbering you should get the hang of it in no time. 

Almost every room code at Bournemouth University is generated in the same way and will tell you exactly where you need to go. 

How do I know where I need to go? 

Your timetable tells you the location of each taught session or other timetabled activity. This will look something like F204 or EB103. 

What does this room code mean? 

The first letter(s) indicates the building and the numbers indicate the floor and the specific room on the floor.  

All our building names and codes are listed below.


EB302: The EB stands for the Executive Business Centre on Lansdowne Campus. The number 302 then tells you the floor and the room. 3 stands for the third floor and 302 for the room number on the floor.  

DG06: The D stands for Dorset House on Talbot Campus. The G stands for the ground floor and 06 is the room number.  

Some room codes have hyphens – what does this mean? 

In room numbers that are hyphenated, the first two letters indicate the building. Only two of our buildings have a hyphenated numbering system – Poole Gateway Building (PG-) on Talbot Campus and Bournemouth Gateway Building (BG-) on Lansdowne Campus. For example: 

“Where is BG-G16?” 

BG stands for Bournemouth Gateway Building on Lansdowne Campus. The rest of the code after the hyphen tells you that you’re looking for the ground floor (G) and the specific room 16 (PC Suite). 

What is the difference between PG22 and PG-G09? Should I be in Poole House or Poole Gateway Building? 

It can be easy to confuse the two buildings when looking at the numbering system, but it’s really simple to tell them apart:  

If the room number includes a hyphen, that means it’s in Poole Gateway Building. For example, PG-G09 is on the ground floor of the building or PG-218 means it’s in Poole Gateway Building, on the second floor.  

Rooms in Poole House won’t include a hyphen. For example, PG22 is on the ground floor of Poole House whilst P310 is on the third floor. The Design & Engineering Innovation Centre is also on the ground floor of Poole House, room numbers start with PG, the entrance to the block is outside the main entrance of Poole House.

The library 

The only exception to our standard room numbering system is The Sir Michael Cobham Library on Talbot Campus, which has the building code DL. So room number DLG31 is a study space on the ground floor and DL115 is a study space on the first floor.

Buildings on campus

This table provides you with all of the building codes you should need in your first few weeks, along with which campus they can be found on. These buildings can all be found on our campus maps of Talbot and Lansdowne which are downloadable from our website.

Bournemouth Gateway Building (BG) Lansdowne
Executive Business Centre (EB) Lansdowne
Studland House (S) Lansdowne
Christchurch House (C) Talbot
Dorset House (D) Talbot
The Fusion Building (F) Talbot
Innovation Centre - Poole House (PG) Talbot
Kimmeridge House (K) Talbot
Poole House (P)  Talbot
Poole Gateway Building (PG) Talbot
The Sir Michael Cobham Library (DL) Talbot
Student Centre (SC) Talbot
Talbot House (T) Talbot
Tolpuddle Annexes (TA) Talbot
Weymouth House (W) Talbot

Lecture theatres

Lecture theatres are located in several buildings on our Talbot and Lansdowne campuses. The list below is here for you to consult as you get to know your way around, it also includes the name of each room as it would appear in your academic timetable.

Talbot Campus

Dorset House (DL) (next to the Sir Michael Cobham Library)
Allsebrook Lecture Theatre - ALLSBROOK

Fusion Building (F)
Create Lecture Theatre - CREATE LT
Inspire Lecture Theatre - INSPIRE LT
Share Lecture Theatre - SHARE LT

Kimmeridge House (K)
KG01 Lecture Theatre - KG01
KG03 Lecture Theatre - KG03
Marconi Lecture Theatre - MARCONI LT

Poole House (P)
Barnes Lecture Theatre - BARNES
Cobham Lecture Theatre - COBHAM
Lawrence Lecture Theatre - LAWRENCE
Lees Lecture Theatre - LEES
Shelley Lecture Theatre - SHELLEY
Stevenson Lecture Theatre - STEVENSON

Talbot House (T)
Student Hall - StudHall

Lansdowne Campus

Bournemouth Gateway Building (BG)
The Wolfson Lecture Theatre - WOLFSON LT

Executive Business Centre (EB)
EB206 Lecture Theatre - EB206
EB306 Lecture Theatre - EB306
EB708 Lecture theatre - EB708