The hard work of our Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) team - whose contributions have supported thousands of students both during their transition to university and out to placement - were celebrated at our PAL Awards 2020 ceremony.
PAL encourages students to support each other and to learn collaboratively under the guidance of trained students called PAL Leaders from the year above.
The ceremony saw BU’s PAL Leaders, Placement PAL Leaders, Peer Support Leaders and staff who support the scheme come together to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of those involved with the scheme.
The following Leaders were nominated by students and staff across the university for their excellent contributions to BU’s PAL Scheme and the student experience. The winners for each category were selected by the Central PAL Team and presented with their awards by Vice Chancellor John Vinney.
Responsibility Award
“We take responsibility for the impact of our actions and focus out activity as a learning community on making a positive contribution to society.”
For a Leader who has gone the extra mile and taken responsibility in their role to enhance the student experience
- Alice Jackson (Business Studies)
- Jerome Vileta (Event Management)
- Teodora Chomakova (BSc Marketing)
- Georgina Arnold (English)
Winner: Teodora Chomakova
Inclusivity Award
“We value and respect diversity and act to ensure that we are inclusive.”
For a Leader who ensures their sessions are as inclusive and respectful as possible, having a positive impact on their students’ learning
- Georgina Arnold (English)
- Emilia Lillis (Business Studies)
- Alice Jackson(Business Studies)
- Daisy McLuskie (Marketing Communications)
Winner: Georgina Arnold
Creativity Award
“We are imaginative, innovative and create solutions to problems.”
For a Leader who has used creative and innovative methods to ensure their sessions are engaging
- Kate Stephens (Psychology)
- Stefan Polendakov (Sport Development and Coaching Sciences)
Winner: Stefan Polendakov
Excellence Award
“We strive for excellence in everything that we do.”
For a Leader who, when delivering their PAL sessions, has demonstrated excellent facilitation skills and has inspired their students’ learning
- Daisy McLuskie (Marketing Communications)
- Georgina Arnold (English)
- Olivia Hall (Business Studies)
- Chloe Francesca Diamond (Film)
- Alicia Burgman (Marketing Communications)
- Alice Jackson (Business Studies)
- Chloe Collins (Communication & Media)
- Darrell Williams (Business Studies)
- Tilly Christmas (Event Management)
Winners: Tilly Christmas and Darrell Williams
Support Award
For a Leader who has provided outstanding support to their students throughout the academic year
- Alice Jackson (Business Studies)
- Amy Grannell (Social Work)
- Chloe Collins (Communication & Media)
- Jerome Vileta (Event Management)
- Kelly Shân Harman (English)
- Natasha Hutt (Business Studies)
- Layla Johnson (Psychology)
- Alicia Burgman (Marketing Communications)
- Caitlin Swinbank (Marketing Communications)
- Daisy McLuskie (Marketing Communications)
- Georgina Arnold (English)
- Hazel Crabb (Archaeology & Anthropology)
- Becky Hynes (Business Studies)
- José Fernandes (BSc Marketing)
Winners: Amy Grannell and Hazel Crabb
Teamwork Award
For a team of Leaders who have demonstrated excellent teamwork and communication skills that have benefitted their programme/department
- Nutrition Team - Alana Moulder, Rosie Dicks & Rebecca Owen
- Marketing Communications Team - Daisy McLuskie, Alicia Burgman, Caitlin Swinbank & Liv Stephenson
- Social Work - Amy Grannell
- Business Studies - Olivia Hall, Natasha Hutt, Alice Jackson, Darrell Williams, Becky Hynes, Emilia Lillis, Megan Marshall & Ben Webb
Winners: Marketing Communications - Daisy McLuskie, Alicia Burgman, Caitlin Swinbank and Liv StephensonPAL Impact Award
For a Leader who has made a significant impact on their PAL students as seen by the amount of nominations received and exceptional feedback that has been given.
For being nominated 16 times across 5 categories by academics and students
Winner: Alice Jackson (Business Studies)
Find out more about Peer-Assisted Learning.