A short film, the result of a group project by Bournemouth University second year animation students is selected for an International film festival.
The student project ‘The Hertica Home’, is part of the official selection for Changing the Story International Film Festival. The festival is a 4-year international participatory-action research project looking at how young people can be supported to build and influence civil society in post-conflict countries.
The project is a short 3D interactive documentary that uses testimony to explore connections between space and memory by focusing upon the the Sami Frasheri gymnasium faculty in the Hertica Family home, a School House in Prishtina, Kosovo in the 1990s. The piece is developed by Computer Animation students Morgan Moore, Gwyneth Tabil, Ivy Ruobing He, Ellen Conlan Ellis, Nicola Okezie and coordinated by Dr. Paula Callus and uses the Unreal gaming engine, CGI and interviews and found sounds to develop fragmentary and non-relational impressions of this place.
Meet the team and find out what the Film is about:
Watch the full film:
Find out more about studying Computer Animation.