New compliments and complaints form
IT Services is committed to providing outstanding customer service. To help us achieve this, a new form will be added to the IT self-service portal homepage, to give you an opportunity to tell us if we're doing something well, or where we could make improvements.
Once the form has been submitted you'll receive an email confirmation from IT Service Desk ([email protected]) with the details.
This form will be available from Tuesday 4 July and the team would appreciate you taking just a few moments of your time to let them know how they're doing.
Update to emails once an IT request has been resolved

IT Services has also updated the email notifications you receive once an incident or request has been resolved. It's been amended to make it easier for you to either confirm resolution and provide feedback, or to re-open the incident or request.
The main change is that an image in the email will link to the IT self-service portal homepage, where these options will be presented in the form of buttons. This screenshot highlights the new look.
You'll see a change to these emails between Tuesday 4 and Tuesday 11 July.
If you have any queries about any of this information, please contact the IT Service Desk on 01202 965515 or freephone 0808 196 2332.