Team Based Learning (TBL) is a collaborative learning method that has been successfully adopted across several disciplines since its inception.
This study, led by Dee Hughes, explores how it has been implemented into a scriptwriting undergraduate programme and why it has not been adopted by arts-based disciplines on the same scale as those of scientific, medical, engineering and business subjects.
Team-based Learning was developed in the early 1970s by Larry Michaelsen as a way of delivering high quality teaching to his ever-increasing class sizes. It is a form of small group teaching that requires adherence to a strict four stage process. This process is designed to stimulate problem solving, creative thinking and discussion among a cohort.
Team based learning appears to offer benefits to someone learning to be a scriptwriter, particularly in light of the Writers Room becoming the dominant means of script production and with it the need for writers to be able to problem solve, think critically and discuss their work with a range of industry professionals.