The UK Research Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers aims to make Universities and other employers of researchers provide a supportive employment structure and offer career development opportunities. In March 2022, BU was successful in retaining the HR Excellence in Research award and is now one of many Vitae UK member institutions who hold this award.

HR Excellence in Research award logo

The award demonstrates our commitment to aligning process and practice to the UK Concordat and therefore, improving the working conditions and career development for BU research staff. It will also help our research deliver greater impact to society, making it relevant to real-life situations.

The UK Research Concordat sets out three clear Principles of environment and culture, employment, and professional and career development. The principles are underpinned by obligations for the four key stakeholder groups, funders, institutions, researchers and managers of researchers, to realise the aims of the Concordat. We are committed to these principles as demonstrated by the many activities which are underway at BU. Visit the BU Research Blog for updates on key achievements.

Our progress

Progress against the action plan is updated quarterly by the Research Concordat Steering Group.

For further information on the HR Excellence in Research award or on the University’s Research Concordat action plan, please contact Julie Northam.

Find out about BU’s Research Staff Association (only available to BU staff).

Research and academic vacancies are advertised on the University’s jobs page:

Case studies