If your application meets our academic entry requirements, we will ask you to upload a portfolio to support your application. Please note, you will have 14 days to provide your portfolio from the date of the request.
For the portfolio, we like to see observational artwork in a variety of different traditional media, as well as high quality observational digital artwork. This includes life drawing, portraits, still life, anatomy studies, high quality (observational) digital painting, and well executed 3D renders of photo-realistic computer-generated assets. Observational work is most important for visual effects; highly stylised or very abstract work isn’t a particularly good indicator of your ability, so it's best to leave this type of work out.
It’s best to keep it to approximately 15 to 20 of your highest quality pieces of work, and let us know if the work was created as part of a particular course of study, or if it was done in your own free time. Showing us work you have done in your own free time is the best way of showing passion and enthusiasm for the subject.