Students and staff can get their bike serviced free of charge by visiting the Bike Doctor on either campus.
This year the service will be available at the new Cycle Hub behind Dorset House on Talbot Campus, and at Bournemouth Gateway Building on Lansdowne Campus. While most dates are open to both students and staff, due to demand, we've added some extra dates at Talbot Campus for students only.
Simply take your bike and BU ID card along to one of the sessions listed below - no booking necessary. Labour is free (up to 30 mins) and you'll only need to pay for any replacement parts.
When you attend a Bike Doctor session:
Leave your bike and lock in the designated drop off area
Provide the Bike Doctor with your contact details so an appropriate collection time can be arranged.
Check the campus maps page for details on where to find the cycle compounds and visit the cycling page for more information on the cyclist facilities on campus and offers available at BU.
Lansdowne Campus -
Bournemouth Gateway Building,
Main Cycle Compound, 9am-4pm
Talbot Campus -
The Cycle Hub,
Behind Dorset House, 9am-4pm
The 2024/5 New Media Writing Prize is now open for entries, with cash prizes for the best in interactive digital narrative, literature, and journalism.
Join us between 17:00 and 19:30 to find out more about postgraduate study, talk to academic staff about your subject of interest and hear about the student finance options.