The 14th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2022 will take place on Wednesday 30 November, between 9am and 5pm and the call for abstracts is now open.
If you're a postgraduate researcher at BU, the conference provides a great opportunity to showcase and promote your research to the BU community, whether you have just started or are approaching the end of your journey at BU.
Attending the conference is a great opportunity to engage and network with the postgraduate research community and find out more about the exciting and fascinating research that is happening across BU. Registration to attend the conference will open in November for all members of BU community.
The call for abstracts is open for all BU postgraduate researchers to take part in a live research exhibition or to present via an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts must be submitted by 9am on Monday 24 October and you can find out more and apply on the Doctoral College Conference Brightspace page.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] and a member of the Doctoral College conference team will get back to you.