As well as being an enjoyable part of the world to live in, Bournemouth is safe and welcoming. It is still a busy town and therefore it’s sensible to take precautions to keep yourself, your friends, and your belongings safe.
If you're walking to and from campus in the darker hours, please ensure that you choose well-lit main routes. Try to plan your route and let someone know your destination and expected arrival time. Ensure you have appropriate clothing and equipment for the changing weather including waterproof clothing and an umbrella. You can use your BU ID card or Totum card to access discounts at several local retailers including Cotswold Outdoors, Go Outdoors and Halfords.
When you’re walking, always be mindful of other people using the roads. Stick to pavements and designated footpaths whenever possible and try to avoid walking on the road. Use pedestrian crossings whenever they are available, even it if means taking a slightly longer route. Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to cross before the traffic lights turn red.
If there are no pedestrian crossings nearby, ensure that you have a clear view in both directions before crossing the road so you can cross safely. If you need to cross in front of a car, always establish eye contact with the driver to confirm that they have seen you and it’s safe for you to cross.
If you're travelling to and from campus by bike it's best to check the weather each day to ensure the route can be taken safely. Here are some tips from our travel team on how to keep yourself and your bike safe:
- Keep your bike in good condition - Making sure your bike is in top shape is really important. The conditions on the roads are unpredictable so why not let our Bike Doctor have a look over your bike free of charge.
- Clothing and equipment - Make sure you have working lights to the front and rear of your bike and wear high visibility clothing or back pack covers so you can be seen by drivers, pedestrians and other cyclists. There is a range of cycling shops in the area where you can buy additional safety equipment for you and your bike. Check out the SUBU discount pages for more information or visit the SUBU shop on campus for active travel items.
- Use the cycle compounds - If you are planning to be on campus for more than an hour or two, always secure your bike within one of the enclosed cycle compounds. Students have access with your ID cards
- Say no to tailgating - Even bikes within a compound can be targets of theft. This usually occurs when genuine users are followed in, or even hold the door open for another person. Sometimes, thieves arrive on bikes to make their presence less suspicious and then follow others into the compounds where they then leave their bike for another. Always close the compound doors behind you and ask for a BU ID card if someone else is asking you to let them in.
- Always use a Gold Standard D Lock - Whilst D locks are not impossible to remove, they do require specialist tools which takes longer and makes more noise so having a D lock is a deterrent for thieves. BU subsidise Gold Standard D Locks in the SU shop on Talbot Campus for just £10
- Two is better than one - Using two locks (one around frame and one securing front wheel) is also another deterrent and helps keep your bike in one piece
- Take any removable items with you - This includes removable phone holders, navigation devices etc which can be easily removed. Alternatively consider wheel locking nuts to secure them properly.
- Get your bike tagged - Dorset Police offer free bike tagging which registers you as the owner. If your bike is ever lost or stolen, the police can trace you and return it to you. Contact Dorset Police direct for local events or email [email protected] and we will notify you of the next bike fair on campus where bike tagging will be offered
- Get Insurance: There are specialist bike insurance companies if your bike is worth a significant amount. You can also add bikes to most home insurance policies. Always check the cover includes storage at a workplace/place of study
- Personal trackers: There are a number of personal tracker tags you can purchase. These are small devices you can hide somewhere on the bike so you always know where it is
- Report suspicious behaviour: If someone has tailgated into a compound or someone is hanging around seemingly waiting for you to leave, report this to our reception and security teams immediately. If you feel uneasy about someone's presence in the area, either visit the reception desks or call 01202 962222 to report it.
Plan your nights out
Think about where you’re going, and how to get there and back – you might want to book a taxi in advance or check the bus timetables ahead of time so you’re not waiting around. Travel in groups as much as possible, and if you’re walking or cycling, make sure that you can hear people and vehicles approaching you. We all enjoy listening to music, but please remember that your safety always comes first. By saving your headphones for home, you’ll be able to hear traffic and other hazards when out and above. Check our Bournemouth Campus Police page for more safety tips and advice.
Know what to do in an accident or emergency
In you’re involved in – or witness – an accident or emergency on campus you should call 01202 962222. That way we can make sure the right action is taken and any emergency services can be directed to the right location.
If you’re off campus, the national emergency number to call is 999. For non-emergencies off campus, call 101. These numbers work from both landline and mobile phones, so save them to your phone so you can refer to them should you need to.
More information about your safety and personal security when on and off campus on the BU website.