The Medical Centre on campus offers a variety of services that can help you with health-related issues, including;
- General medical care
- Routine and emergency contraception (see below)
- Immunisations - inc. MMR & meningitis
- Asthma clinic
- Diabetic checks
- Travel advice
- Cervical screening within the national programme
- Sport medicals & treatment of sports injuries
- Removal of sutures
- First aid/dressings
- BUNAC medicals.
The Talbot Medical Centre (in Wallisdown) can offer further services incuding; minor surgery, COPD clinic, diabetes checks and blood tests.
Continuity of care
If you have an ongoing problem, it is advisable to book to see the same doctor for review (unless there is an emergency). In this way, you can work as a team with the doctor and formulate a plan for your management. The reception staff will not automatically know whom you saw, so we rely on your help with the continuity of your care.
Other services
Some services such as doctors’ letters, medicals and the completion of forms are not paid for by the NHS. Therefore, to cover the administrative costs, a private fee may be charged for the service. For further details please ask our reception team or visit our website Please note that different surgeries may charge different prices.
For details on local hospitals please check our urgent medical support page.