Welcome to TeamBU

Welcome to the 2019/20 TeamBU season and version of The Huddle. The Huddle will hit your mailbox at the end of every week and will keep you up to date with everything TeamBU and Performance Sport at BU.

Weekly News

Men’s Cricket still Unbeaten!


BU Men’s Cricket team triumphed in another round of fixtures this weekend, taking 4/4 wins. This takes their total to 7/7 wins this season so far! A massive well done to the team, keep up the good work! #BUProud

BU Progress in Cup Competitions!


Well done to all our teams that progressed in their cup competitions yesterday! We can’t wait to see you in the next round! #TeamBU

Keep up to date with TeamBU


Make sure you follow TeamBU on Facebook and Instagram to see what our teams and individuals are getting up to.

See all editions here

Find out more information about Performance Sport teams and SportBU, including our current offers, on our website. If you have any items that you would like included in The Huddle, or any feedback, please email SportBU.
