Access and Participation Plans
BU takes a whole-institution approach to widening access and participation. Our commitments are outlined in our Access and Participation Plans (APPs), approved by the Office for Students. Plans are developed in conjunction with our Students' Union (SUBU), and BU’s faculties and Professional Services.
The interventions in our Access and Participation Plans are designed to address equality of opportunity risks and differential outcomes across the student lifecycle for our target groups. These include students of Asian, black, mixed or other ethnicities and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
2020/21 to 2024/25 Access and Participation Plan
For students who joined BU between 2020/21 and 2024/25 academic years (inclusive), the 2020/21 to 2024/25 Access and Participation Plan (pdf 600kb) applies for the duration of their undergraduate study. View a summary of the 2020/21 to 2024/25 access and participation plan (pdf 162kb).
2025/26 to 2028/29 Access and Participation Plan
For students who join BU between the 2025/26 and 2028/29 academic years (inclusive) the 2025/26 to 2028/29 Access and Participation Plan (pdf 2.1mb) applies for the duration of their undergraduate study. View a summary of the 2025/26 to 2028/29 access and participation plan (pdf 215kb).
The UK government announced changes with respect to undergraduate tuition fee limits in November 2024. Due to the timing of this announcement, the fee information and inflation statement provided on page 69 of our 2025/26 to 2028/29 Access and Participation Plan are no longer current.
For up to date information about tuition fees for 2025/26, please visit our undergraduate tuition fees page. Our inflation statement has also been updated as reflected in our Student Agreement: We may increase tuition fees on an annual basis up to the limit set by the UK government for that academic year. We will tell students in writing if there is a change in their tuition fees. We will tell students no later than 30 June before the enrolment or re-enrolment deadline on their course for the academic year in which the change will take effect. We will also explain the basis of the change.
We will publish updated fee information for 2025/26 on this page as soon as it is confirmed by the Office for Students.
The following fee information applies to all students covered by our 2021/22 to 2024/25 Access and Participation Plan entering from 2021/22 to 2024/25 respectively:
Fee information for 2021/22 (pdf 134kb) Fee information for 2022/23 (pdf 127kb)
Fee information for 2023/24 (pdf 118kb) Fee information for 2024/25 (pdf 48kb)
BU’s Access and Participation Plan for 2019/20, and our Fair Access Agreements for years prior to 2019/20 are available to download from the Office for Students. The Access and Participation Plan or Access Agreement that is relevant for students is the one from the academic year in which they started their studies with us.
Access and transparency
All UK universities registered with the Office for Students are required to publish information relating to their undergraduate applications, offers, acceptances, registrations (or enrolments) and attainment. Visit our access and transparency page to view this information.
Access to information
We try to make it easy for you to find out about us and the information we hold about you. We do this by publishing routine information about the university that might be useful to our staff, students, suppliers and the public. We also have procedures in place to process requests for other information, including requests for your own information.
You can find out more about accessing the information we hold by visiting our Access to Information pages.
Anti-bribery policy
We are committed to ethical standards of business conduct and adopt a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption in all jurisdictions.
Download our Anti-Bribery Policy and Procedures (pdf 258kb)
Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
We are legally required to have a BU Code of Practice Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom (pdf 456kb). This explains our obligation to secure freedom of speech within the law and, where applicable, the procedure for obtaining approval of meetings or events taking place on our premises or away from our premises where the meeting or event is associated with the university (for example where the university's branding is used).
Information on the University's main committees, including non-confidential minutes and terms of reference, are available on our Committee Pages.
Degree Outcomes Statement
In May 2019, the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA) published a Statement of Intent which recommended that institutions awarding degrees should publish a 'Degree Outcomes Statement' including an analysis of final classifications for students at Level 6 of the Framework of Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ).
The statement is intended to demonstrate how the University is meeting the expectations of the Quality Code, and the Office for Students ongoing conditions of registration (B4 and B5) relating to protecting the value of qualifications. The Degree Outcomes Statement has been developed in line with the published guidance from UKSCQA and QAA, and was approved by Senate and University Board.
Download our Degree Outcomes Statement 2021/22 (pdf 2MB)
Governance Reviews
In accordance with best governance practice, we undertake periodic independent reviews of our Board governance. Read the latest review report (pdf 185kb).
Hospitality register
We maintain a hospitality register as part of our commitment under the Anti-Bribery Policy and Procedures. We publish extracts from the hospitality register relating to members of the University Board and members of our Leadership Team. During session 2023-24, there was a nil return from all Independent Board Members.
Register of interests
We have a Conflicts of Interest Policy and Procedures which you can view here:
We publish extracts of the register of interests relating to the University Board and members of our Leadership Team and these are available here:
- University Board Register of Interests (pdf 169kb)
- University Leadership Team Declarations of Interests 2024 (pdf 137kb)
Remuneration Committee Annual Reports
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2023-24 (pdf 8.5mb)
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2022-23 (pdf 512kb)
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2021-22 (pdf 352kb)
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2020-21 (pdf 347kb)
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2019-20 (pdf 360kb)
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2018-19 (pdf 345kb)
Annual Report of the Remuneration Committee 2017-18 (pdf 490kb)
SUBU code of practice
We are legally required to have a code of practice for the Students' Union at Bournemouth University (pdf 189kb). This explains how we work with our students’ union which is a separate registered charity.
University Board Members' Code of Conduct
It is good governance practice for boards of trustees or directors to have agreed Codes of Conduct for their members and the revised CUC HE Code of Governance sets out an expectation that University Boards will have a formalised Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct sets out the standards and behaviours that are expected of University Board Members whether acting individually or collectively as a Board.
Download our University Board Members' Code of Conduct (pdf 330kb)
University Executive Team Expenses
We publish summaries of claims paid to members of the University Executive Team for expenses incurred in the course of carrying out their roles. These are published quarterly in line with the University’s financial year (1 August to 31 July) commencing from November 2017