Have you thought about what you'll do once your degree comes to an end?

For many of you, the main choices will be whether to spend another year studying for your Master’s, undertake a research degree or to leave student life behind for a while to get that job you’ve been preparing for and start earning!
Now more than ever, all options are a real possibility.
Many employers also realise that an employee with a postgraduate degree will bring with them specialist knowledge which they can share with colleagues, along with new ideas for their organisation. These may be some of the reasons Master’s students across the working age population earn an additional £6,000 per year compared to graduates, (according to 2018 UK Graduate Labour Market Statistics) and why 91%* of students are in work or study six months after graduating from their postgraduate degree.
For those of you considering postgraduate study, the variety of postgraduate courses (including conversion courses if refocusing on another industry or area of expertise is on your mind), as well as the postgraduate student loans of up to £11,222 (UK and EU students) makes doing your Master’s while you’re still in an academic mind-set, more of a reality than ever.
If being in the lab is more your thing, there's also good news on the finance front for postgraduate researchers, with new loans of up to £26,445 available to Postgraduate Doctoral students. Check out the postgraduate research study options available at BU.
We offer a range of financial support like non-repayable scholarships from £1,500 (UK/EU students) to half your tuition fee, a 20% reduction on tuition fees for BU graduates and guaranteed accommodation to students who have secured their place by the relevant deadlines.
Many of our undergrads have chosen to return to BU to do their Master’s – both straight after their undergrad studies or after working for a few years. Head to the student blog to hear why BU students have returned to BU. Discover more about the benefits of further study in the Careers & Employability section.
Postgraduate Open Day: Wednesday 11 March
You can find out more about our courses, the benefits of postgraduate study, chat to lecturers - and enjoy some coffee and cake - at our next Postgraduate Open Day on Wednesday 11 March, 1.45pm-5pm - book online now. Or join our Facebook event for up to date information.
*Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey, 2017