This area of research focuses on fundamental dimensions of nursing care, including assessment activity, interventions and outcomes of practice implementation, particularly in support of those living with long term health conditions. Our research informs evidence-based nursing practice, enhances the quality of care and impacts on policy development.
Our research focuses on developing the theoretical underpinnings of fundamental clinical care practices to describe, explain and predict the effects of nursing intervention. Specific sub-themes of work: include nursing-related: -
- Nutritional care practice,
- Skin care practices,
- Risk assessment and prevention.
Our interdisciplinary areas of work focus on the support of people living with long term health challenges:
- Intervention development (including complex interventions) – including patient / service user education and psychological support,
- Humanised care practices,
- Opportunities for self-care and self-management and health promotion,
- Service user experiences of health care,
- Tool development to aid the effective measurement of fundamental nursing activity,
- Effective interprofessional working and distinctive opportunities for nursing intervention and nurse-led models of service delivery.
Current and recent research
Nutritional care
- STREAM - Screen and TREAt for Malnutrition programme: Co-I Sue Green
Skin Care
- Cochrane Review: Educational and Psychological Interventions for the management of atopic eczema in children and adults (and economic analysis): PI Heidi Singleton, Co-Is Steve Ersser, Vanessa Heaslip & external partners.
- Skin health & dermatology health: Feasibility Project to develop an RCT to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a novel short contact emollient wet wrap skin care regiment for those living with podoconiosis in Ethiopia: PI Steve Ersser & Jill Brooks (Visiting Fellow) & external partners (Dermlink Grant: International League of Dermatological Societies
- Skin barrier function feasibility of measurement in clinical nursing settings: Jimmy Choo (University of Leeds) and Steve Ersser.
- Alpha Trial: comparing treatments for chronic hand eczema Phototherapy versus Acitretinioin (NIHR-HTA): Miriam Whittman (University of Leeds), external partners & Steve Ersser.
- Softer Trial (water softners) for Atopic Ezcema -qualitative study (adjunct to an HTA study): S. Stainsby (King's College London, Steve Ersser & Carsten Flohr (King's College London).