Our Student Services teams are here to support you - find out who you can contact within your faculty, on campus and online.
The Achieve@BU team are here to help you make the most of your time here. We understand the pressures of moving to a new place, meeting new people and learning how to balance your social life and studies. We also know that it’s not unusual for new students to have trouble coping with it all and can signpost you to the wide variety of support available. If you want a quick chat about something that’s been bothering you or if you’re struggling with a bigger issue, contact your faculty representative via our website and they'll do their best to help you out.
Additional Learning Support
We support students who have disabilities such as mobility, visual or hearing impairments as well as Specific Learning Differences such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia. We also support students with medical conditions such as ME or Epilepsy. If you have had adjustments for a disability or condition before, please register with us or come and talk through any conditions which impact on your ability to study.
Your first point of contact when looking for advice and information. AskBU can help with practical things such as letters confirming your student status, replacement ID cards, the location of your next lecture, information about finance, immigration, exceptional circumstances and complaints. AskBU is available via phone and email and offers a friendly drop-in service on both campuses with interview rooms on request for queries of a personal or confidential nature.
Careers & Employability
We help equip you with the tools and knowledge you need from your first day at BU. Find out about our events on campus, meet employers and gain those essential transferable skills. If you’re confused about the recruitment process or need helping finding a part-time job, and need tips about your applications and interview preparation, BU’s experienced and friendly Careers & Employability team provide space to discuss your options, offering impartial advice and guidance.
Faith & Reflection
Faith & Reflection offers a supportive and welcoming environment for students whether you have a faith or not, as well as guidance and support throughout your studies. It offers an open-door policy and provides space for reflection and prayer on Talbot Campus – including an Islamic prayer room with wash facilities, and a kosher kitchen. The team also organises social events so it’s a great place to meet new people.
Financial support
Get off to a good start and organise your finances early. Then you can concentrate on your studies, meeting new people and enjoying life at BU. It isn’t as scary as it sounds and we have plenty of resources to help you. We offer a range of financial support but also strongly recommend that you visit SUBU’s money advice web page for general budgeting tips and advice on how to make your funds go further.
Medical Centre
Whatever your medical needs, the Student Medical Centre at BU offers a full range of medical services. Based at Talbot House, the Medical Centre is open to all students and daily appointments are available from 8.45am-5pm Monday to Friday (term-time only) . All registered patients have a named GP and online prescriptions and medical records access. You can make sure that you're up to date with vaccinations and book appointments online. You can find out more about this service on the Medical Centre webpage.
Student Wellbeing
Our Student Wellbeing service is provided in partnership with our local NHS Foundation Trust, offering free support to students feeling stressed, anxious, or low, to help manage their mental health. Services include drop-in sessions, group and individual workshops and counselling. The drop-in sessions run throughout the week during term-time. For more information about the service visit the Student Wellbeing webpages or call 01202 965020..
More resources
We've also put together an A-Z of Resources, both on and off campus, for any health or wellbeing issues you experience while at BU, including the NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing, to make sure your lifestyle is as healthy and balanced as possible.